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250 Essential Japanese Kanji Characters Volume 1 Page 11
250 Essential Japanese Kanji Characters Volume 1 Read online
Page 11
暗記する あんき する anki suru to learn by heart, to memorize
記事 きじ kiji news story, article
きねんび kinen bi memorial day, anniversary
しんぶん きしゃ shimbun kisha newspaper reporter
146 帳
帳 combines 巾 hanging cloth, and 長 long, which originally depicted an old man with long hair leaning on a cane. A long cloth was used as a notebook in ancient times.
記帳する きちようする kichō suru to make an entry in a bankbook; to sign a visitors register
通帳 つうちょう tsūchō bankbook
手帳 てちょう techō small notebook, datebook
電話帳 でんわちよう denwa chō telephone directory
147 取
to-ru, (do-ri)
take, get, acquire
取 combines 耳 ear and 又 hand. Ancient warriors used to take the ears off their conquered enemies. Now 取 means take or get in general.
取る どる toru to take, to get
取(り)引(き) する どりひき する torihiki suru to trade, to make a deal
取 (り) 出す どりだす tori dasu to take out, to pick out
間取(り) まどり madori room arrangement of a house, floor plan
取(り)消(し) どりけし tori keshi cancellation
148 扱
treat, deal with, handle
扱 combines hand (cf. 85 手) and 及 another hand reaching out for a man. Only when hands reach something, can one treat or handle it.
扱う あつかう atsukau to treat, to handle, to deal with
取(り)极(い) 中 どりあつかい ちゅう tori atsukai chu under handling; Available for Use
扱い方 あつかいかた atsukaikata how to handle/treat/use, way of handling
149 止
to-maru, (do-mari), to-meru, (do-me), shi 止
と・まる、(ど・まり) 、と・める、(ど・め) 、シ
止 derives from a pictograph of a foot that has stopped walking. Other kanji including 止 are often related to walking (e.g. 142 正, 164 歩).
止(ま)る どまる tomaru to stop (vi.)
行(き)止(ま)り いきどまり ikidomari Dead End
止める どめる tomeru to stop (vt.)
通行止 (め) つうこう どめ tsūkō dome Closed to Traffic
休止する きゆうし する kvūshi suru to discontinue, to halt
止まれ どまれ tomare Stop
中止する ちゆうし する chūshi suru to stop (vt.), to cancel
4 Practice
I. Write the readings of the following kanji in hiragana.
1. 銀 行
2. 休 止
3. 高 い
4. 十 号 車
5. 引 き 出 し
6. 入 金
7. 預 金
8. 確 認
9. 預 け る
10. 暗 証 番 号
11. 訂 正
12. 記 号
13. 通 帳
14. 学 生 証
15. お 取 扱 中
16. 取 る
17. 暗 い
18. 引 く
19. 電 話 帳
20. 通 行 止 め
21. 円 高
22. 正 月
23. 残 高
24. 扱 い 方
25. ベ ル を 押 し て く だ さ い 。
26. 正 し い ほ う に 、 ○ を つ け な さ い 。
27. い つ も 、 日 記 を 書 い て い ま す 。
28. 通 帳 に 、 記 入 し て く だ さ い 。
29. い く ら お 金 が 残 っ て い る か 、 確 か め て み ま す 。
30. 手 を あ げ て 、 タ ク シ ー を 止 め ま す 。
II. Fill in the blanks with appropriate kanji.
5 Advanced Placement Exam Practice Question
Maria is a student from abroad. She tried to use an ATM for the first time at her new bank in Japan but she had some trouble. Now she is asking the bank clerk, Mr. Tanaka, how to use the ATM. Read their dialogue, then answer the questions.
マリア: 一万円、お金を出したいんですが。
田中: はじめに「お引き出し」のボタンを押します。それからカードを入れて、暗証番号を押し ます。
マリア: あ、暗証番号をまちがえちゃった!どうしよう!
田中: だいじょうぶですよ。「訂正」のボタンを押して、もう一回暗証番号を押してください。 つぎに1.万.円のボタンを押して、正しければ「確認」のボタンを押してください。
マリア: あ、お金が出てきた。いま、お金がいくら残っているかもみたいんですが。
田中: この「残高照会」のボタンを押せばみるこどができますよ。
マリア: お金を預けるどきはどうしたらいいですか。
田中: 「お預け入れ」のボタンを押して、通帳どお金を入れれば預けられます。通帳記入もいっし ょにできますよ。
マリア: 通帳をわすれても、預けられますか。
田中: はい、預けられます。
マリア: こんどは、預けにきます。ありがどう。
1. Which is the first button to be pushed?
A. 残高照会
B. お引き出し
C. お預け入れ
D. 暗証番号
2. If you make a mistake when entering the Personal Identification Number, which button should you push?
A. だいじょうぶ
B. 訂正
C. 確認
D. 暗証番号
3. Which of the buttons is to be pushed to check the balances?
A. 残高照会
B. 通帳記入
C. お引き出し
D. お預け入れ
4. What does Maria want to do, when she comes next time?
A. Withdraw money alone
B. Check her balances
C. Deposit money
D. Enter her Personal Identification Number without making a mistake
5. Choose the correct answer.
A. Maria drew out 1000 yen.
B. You cannot deposit money if you forget a bankbook.
C. Depositing and making an entry in a bankbook cannot be performed simultaneously.
D. When drawing out money, the second button to be pushed is a Personal Identification Number.
At the Post Office
Buildings marked with 〒 are post offices. Inside are several windows, not only for the usual postal services, but also for savings accounts, money transfers, and other banking services. The window marked with はがき・切手 is where stamps, postcards, and aerogrammes can be bought. Stamps are also sold at any shop marked with 〒. For people who are unsure of the stamp value needed for their mail, lists of postal rates are available at post offices. City post boxes have two letter drops, with mailing instructions written below them.
1 Introductory Quiz
Look at the illustrations and the photos below and refer to the words in Vocabulary. Then try the following quiz.
Refer to the lists of postal rates on page 125 and select the appropriate stamps for each of these 5 pieces of mail. One of the pieces needs two stamps, the express delivery rate plus the standard-sized letter rate. None of the letters exceeds 25g. Write the letter of the proper stamp in the spaces provided below.
1. _____________ 2. _____________ 3. _____________ 4. _____________ 5. _______
Postal Rates
2 Vocabulary
Study the readings and meanings of these words to help you understand the Introductory Quiz.
1. 郵便局 ゆうびんきょく yūbin kyoku post office
2. はがき hagaki postcard
3. きって kitte postage stamp
4. 外国 がい こく gaikoku overseas/foreign country
5. 航空(便) こうくう(びん) kōkū bin airmail
6. 国際 こくさい kokusai international
7. つうじよう tsūjō ordinary
8. ゆうびんりょうきん yūbin ryōkin postal rate
9. アジア Ajia Asia
10. その他 そのた sono ta the others, et cetera
11. ほくベい Hokubei North America
12. アフリカ Afurika Africa
13. しよじよう/てがみ shojō/tegami letter
14. ていけい teikei standard size (envelope)
15. そく たつ sokutatsu express mail
16. 〜様 〜さま ~sama Mr. ~, Ms. ~, Miss ~, Mrs. ~
3 New Characters
Thirteen characters are introduced in this lesson. Use the explanations to help you understand and remember the characters. Study the compound words to increase your vocabulary.
郵 便 局 切 外 国 際 航 空 常 料 他 様
150 郵
垂 depicts a plant with leaves hanging vertically; vertical also refers to vertical cliffs far away. With the addition of village, 郵 formerly meant outposts for the relay of messages, and eventually came to mean mail.
郵便 ゆうびん yūbin mail service
郵便番号 ゆうびんばんごう yūbin bangō postal/ZIP code
ゆうそうりょう yūsō ryō postage
郵便物 ゆうびんぶつ yūbin butsu mail
151 便
tayo-ri, ben, bin
convenience; mail
更 depicts various things put together in one 一 place by hand 乂. This makes them convenient for men イ to use. In the past, mail was the most convenient means of communication between people living far from each other.
便り たより tayori letter, news
郵便 ゆうびん yūbin mail service
定期便 ていきびん teiki bin regular service flight/mail
べんりな benri na convenient
学内便 がくないびん gakunai bin campus mail
ふなびん funa bin surface/sea mail
たっきゅうびん takkyū bin rapid door-to-door delivery
152 局
bureau, office
局 combines enclose with two bent lines (as shown below), and 口 limited or divided space. Offices are enclosed spaces that are divided into sections.
郵便局 ゆうびんきょく yūbin kyoku post office
電話局 でんわきよく denwa kyoku telephone office
局番 きょくばん kyokuban district telephone number
テレビ局 テレビきよく terebi kyoku television station
153 切
ki-ru, (ki’), (gi’), setsu
き・る、(きっ) 、(ぎっ) 、セツ
切, which combines 七 branch being cut, and 刀 sword (cf. 25 分), means cut.
切る きる kiru to cut
切手 きって kitte postage stamp
小切手 こぎって kogitte check
大切な たいせつな taisetsu na important, valuable
しめきり shimekiri deadline
きっぷ kippu ticket
しんせつな shinsetsu na kind
154 外
soto, gai, ge
outside, other
外 combines 夕 evening (cf. 66 名) and 卜, which depicts a stick used by fortunetellers. In ancient China, fortunetellers worked outside in the evening.
外 そど soto outside
外出する がいしゆつ gaisnutsu to go out
する suru
時間外 じかんがい jikan gai before or after office/working hours; overtime
外科 げか geka surgical unit, surgery
そどがわ sotogawa outside
外来 がいらい gairai coming from outside; for an outpatient
かいがい kaigai overseas
内外 ないがい naigai inside and outside
155 国
kuni, koku, (goku), (ko’)
country, nation
王 represents a man standing between heaven and earth with hands and legs spread wide, indicating a king. 丶 suggests treasure. A king and his treasures enclosed by borders 囗 represents country.
国 くに kuni country, nation
外国 がいこく gaikoku foreign country
外国人 がいこくじん gaikoku jin foreigner
中国 ちゅうごく Chūgoku China
四国 しこく Shikoku Shikoku (island, district)
こくせき kokuseki nationality
国内 こくない kokunai domestic, within the country
国会 こっかい kokkai the Diet
156 際
inter-; occasion
際 combines , which as a left part of kanji means piled stones or hill, and 祭 festival (cf. 36). Festivals held on hills used to be important occasions during which people intermingled.
国際 こくさい kokusai international
国際線 こくさい せん kokusai sen international flight/route
国際電話 こくさい でんわ kokusai denwa international phone call
こくさい こうりゅう kokusai kōryū international exchange
この際 このさい kono sai on this occasion
157 航
navigation, sailing
舟 derives from a pictograph of a boat, and 亢 represents a neck held up straight. Thus 航 means sailing straight forward.
日航 にっこう Nikkō abbreviation for (Japan Air Lines)
こうかいする kōkai suru to navigate, to sail, to voyage
158 空
sora, kara, a-ku, kū
sky; empty, vacant
穴 or which combines 宀 house and 八 divide (cf. 8), formerly meant pit or cave dwelling, and now means hole in general. 工 indicates straight (cf. 47 攻). The sky can be thought of as a large hole where one can go straight up and find nothing but emptiness.
空 そら sora sky
空手 からて karate karate
航空便 こうくう びん kōkū bin airmail
空車 くうしゃ kūsha vacant taxi
空オケ からオケ karaoke karaoke (literally “empty orchestra”) (commonly writtenカラオケ)
空きカン あきカン aki kan empty can
成田空港 なりた くうこう Narita kūkō Narita Airport
空席 くうせき kūseki vacant/unoccupied seat
159 常
always, normal, usual
常 combines 尚 long wisps of smoke coming out of a stove, and 巾 cloth (cf. 146 帳). Long cloth eventually came to mean long time, and now 常 means always or normal.
通常 つうじょう tsūjō usually, normally, in general
平常通り へいじょう どおり neijō dōri as usual
正常な せいじ�
�うな seijō na normal
日常会話 にちじょう かいわ nichijō kaiwa daily conversation
非常の際 ひじようのさい nijō no sai in case of emergency
ひじよう かいだん nijō kaidan emergency stairs
160 料
materials; fee, charge
料, which combines 米 rice and 斗 measure (cf. 45 科), originally meant measuring grain. It has come to mean materials or charge, since vendors always measure their materials and charge accordingly.
料金 りょぅきん ryōkin fee, charge, fare
郵便料金 ゆうびん yūbin postal rate, postage
りょぅきん rvōkin
にほんりようり nihon ryōri Japanese dish/cuisine
てすうりよう tesūryō commission, fee, charge
そうりょう sōryō postage, delivery charge
しりょう shiryō data, materials for study
ちようみりよう chōmiryō seasoning
161 他
other, another
他 combines 也 snake (cf. 82 地) and イ people. In ancient times, people were often as afraid of others as they were of snakes. Thus 他 came to mean other or another.
その他 そのた sonota the others, et cetera
他人 たにん tanin unrelated person, other people
162 様
sama, yō
appearance; way, manner; Mr., Ms., Miss, Mrs.
様 combines 羊 sheep’s head (cf. 130 着), 水 water, and 木 tree. In ancient times, the appearance of a sheep drinking water near a tree was a common and delightful scene. Thus 様 came to mean appearance or way.